---Downloaded files--- The import files for: ReDeal were successfully downloaded! Initial max execution time = 60 Files info: Site URL = https://grabcoup.com Data file = /home2/frskvpmy/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/demo-content-import-file_2025-03-03__04-58-29.xml Widget file = /home2/frskvpmy/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/demo-widgets-import-file_2025-03-03__04-58-29.json Customizer file = not defined! Redux files: not defined! ---ocdi/before_content_import--- ------ New AJAX call! ------ New AJAX call! [ERROR] Failed to import "996887" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "s-o-c-i-a-l-c-u-t-rF_ciLuetA8-unsplash" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "6958265134364_large" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "1300x867_electrodomesticos-mediatrends-2" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "06_KITCHOCOLATE" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "city-gold-coast-scaled" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "t1" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "Oppo-F19-and-F19-Pro-Specifications-1920x1280" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "brooke-lark-08bOYnH_r_E-unsplash@2x-300x281" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "banner-772x250" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "загружено (2)" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "WhatsApp Image 2021-10-21 at 2.33.09 PM" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "61w+m0vSueL._AC_SL1500_" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "91BG98VgvCL._AC_SL1500_" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "61O45C5qASL._AC_SL1000_" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "d698dbu-bd9171f4-9eea-4b5e-ae73-2063ffaca304" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "adv_noon2_big-1" (Media) [ERROR] Failed to import "navien standard installation repair services" (Media) ---Importing widgets--- Post Sidebar Area : ReHub: Ajax Tabs - No Title - Imported Text - No Title - Imported Footer 1 : Text - About Rehub - Imported ReHub: Social icons - No Title - Imported Footer 2 : Text - No Title - Imported Footer 3 : Text - No Title - Imported Custom sidebar area : Custom HTML - No Title - Imported Text - No Title - Imported Affiliate store archive sidebar : Custom HTML - Other shops - Imported ---ocdi/after_import--- Theme Options was updated-------Customizer was updated-------Menu was assigned-------HomePage was assigned-------